92. Colonial South Africa (Part 2)

In this episode we discuss the multiple attempts made by former Dutch settlers to found independent Boer States, complicated by the Zulu, the British, and the discovery of natural resources. Gary Hallman returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the same, please visit http://www.patreon.com/hi101.

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91. Colonial South Africa (Part 1)

In this episode we discuss the indigenous inhabitants of what would become South Africa, as well as the Portuguese period of exploration, the founding of the Cape Colony under the Dutch East India Company, and the transfer of the colony to the British. Gary Hallman returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the […]

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90. The War Of 1812 (Part 2)

In this episode we pick up as the war begins, following its explosive start and rather lukewarm middle until the British finally finish with Napoleon in Europe and turn their attention to the Americans. Colin Oliver returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the same, please visit http://www.patreon.com/hi101.

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89. The War Of 1812 (Part 1)

In this episode we discuss North American history between 1763 and 1812 as a background to this conflict, as well as the specific grievances the United States held against Britain that led to their declaration of war on the British colonies of Canada. Colin Oliver returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the […]

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88. Watergate (Part 2)

In this episode we discuss the efforts made by the Nixon administration to actively obstruct the investigations into their connection to the Watergate break-ins, as well as the discovery of Nixon’s secret Oval Office recordings and how they led to his eventual resignation. Ethan Bleskie returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the […]

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87. Watergate (Part 1)

In this episode we discuss the burglary at the Watergate office complex and the organization that ordered the operation, as well as the 1972 presidential election and the early actions of the press to expose the link between the two events. Ethan Bleskie returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Priit Parkson, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the same, please […]

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82. Octavian And Antony (Part 2)

In this episode we talk about the division of the Republic between the three triumvirs that almost immediately devolves into solidification of Roman control under Octavian and the adoption of Greek and Egyptian culture by Antony, ultimately leading to a final civil war between the two former allies. Dan McGinnis returns as guest.   Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to […]

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81. Octavian And Antony (Part 1)

In this episode we talk about the tumultuous final decades of the Roman Republic and the early responses of Mark Antony and Octavian to the assassination of Julius Caesar. Dan McGinnis returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the same, please visit http://www.patreon.com/hi101.

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78. The October Crisis (Part 2)

In this episode we cover the events of October 1970 in day-by-day detail, as well as discuss the aftermath of the kidnapping crisis and Quebec’s embrace of political separatism. Paul McGeown returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, Adam Mentgen, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do the same, please visit http://www.patreon.com/hi101.

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77. The October Crisis (Part 1)

In this episode we discuss the condition of Quebec in the first half of the 20th century with a focus on the Duplessis administration, as well as the Quiet Revolution and the intellectual tensions that arose between federalism and nationalism among the politics of the 1960s. Paul McGeown returns as guest.     Thanks to Mike and Donna Bleskie, Ian Davis, Perry, Kimberlyn Crowe, Levent Kemal Sadikoglu, Russ Mangum, and more for supporting the show! If you’d like to do […]

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